Sound therapy uses different aspects of sound to improve your emotional and physical well-being. We can incorporate sound therapy into guided meditation sessions, yoga or stand alone and can be 1:1 or class based, in person or remote.
A session will involve sitting or lying down while listening to sounds from a speaker or instruments. During the session - particularly in 1:1 or small classes - you may be encouraged to move into different seated or lying positions to gain the most benefit from the sound vibrations or you may prefer to remain still and quiet to let the sounds take effect while you relax totally.
The application of sound waves and harmonic vibrations to the body through the use of a range of percussion instruments. Sound helps to facilitate shifts in our brainwave state by using entrainment.
Entrainment is an important characteristic of interactions between brain rhythms and refers to the coupling of two independent oscillatory systems in such a way that their periods of oscillation become related by virtue of phase alignment (Cummins, 2009)
Entrainment synchronizes our fluctuating brainwaves by providing a stable frequency which the brainwave can attune to. By using rhythm and frequency, we can entrain our brainwaves and it then becomes possible to down-shift our normal beta state (normal waking consciousness) to alpha (relaxed consciousness), and even reach theta (meditative state) and delta (sleep; where internal healing can occur).
Even if you don’t feel you have a need for healing, why not try a sound bath? These sessions are for total relaxation. You lie relaxed and warm and just let the sound wash over you.
Sound Therapy and Sound Baths are effective in, not only, achieving a state of relaxation but it also has a way of helping to move blockages in the body. It can help treat conditions such as stress, anxiety, high blood pressure, depression, sleep disorders and aiding pain relief.